Title : Preludio n.3 -- Author, arrangements & performance : Fabio Ranghiero
Type of file : mp3 -- size : 4370 kb
Ho presentato il secondo preludio in tre differenti versioni. In questo terzo invece ho lasciato tutto in un unico brano, nella prima parte troviamo il solo piano elettrico mentre nella seconda entrano in scena tutti gli strumenti. Naturalmente il giro armonico resta lo stesso. Buon ascolto.
I’ve presented prelude n.2 in three different versions. This prelude n.3 is an only track. In the first part you can listen to electric piano, while in the second you can listen to all instruments. Of course the harmonic turn is the same in both parts. Good listening!
I’ve presented prelude n.2 in three different versions. This prelude n.3 is an only track. In the first part you can listen to electric piano, while in the second you can listen to all instruments. Of course the harmonic turn is the same in both parts. Good listening!
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