- ma dove voglio andare con quel banner da internet preistorico?
- per un sito musicale probabilmente è meglio guidare un banner, non pubblicarlo a casaccio.
Infine se avete voglia di consolarmi, questo è il momento!
The musical blog! No, I’ve not won anything! Two weeks ago there was an advertising experiment linked to this blog. It was a proof of orientation not so expensive. With 15 euro I have bought 100 000 apparitions in some sites (about 2000 per day). The result was not so enthusiastic. On 100000 apparitions of the great banner represented above, only sixty click and no comparison. I must make some comments:
-what shall I do with that banner on internet?
- for a music site it’s better to guide not to publish carelessly the banner.
At last, if you want to comfort me, please do it, this is the time!
-what shall I do with that banner on internet?
- for a music site it’s better to guide not to publish carelessly the banner.
At last, if you want to comfort me, please do it, this is the time!
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