Rendo omaggio a Lucio Battisti così. Una persona, un monumento che sicuramente è patrimonio culturale italiano, un musicista che dovrebbe ispirarci per le sue qualità artistiche e le sue scelte di vita.
Gli rendo omaggio riportando quello che disse nella sua ultima intervista:
"Non parlerò mai più, perché un artista deve comunicare con il pubblico solo per mezzo del suo lavoro".
Consiglio a tutti l'ascolto di questo capolavoro.
“A woman as a friend” has been one of the most exciting record I’ve listen in my youth. In 1985 (when I was 15-16 years old) I listened to it every time with attention looking for a detailed that I probably hadn’t noticed in the arrangement or lyrics of his songs. I’ve listened to all his interesting songs (even those of his second period, after the broke with Mogol, hardly understood in those years). When the disk started to play the first notes “ take it as it comes” I closed the eyes and became the protagonist of those stories (“try to avoid all the places I frequent and that also you understand ”). At the end (“at the cinema”) I was always excited and sad, but thankful to whom has written those words and has created and played that music.
Lucio Battisti was a great person and monument for the Italian cultural heritage. And also a great musician who should inspire ourselves for his artistic qualities and life choices. I want to honour him with the words he said in his last interview:
“I will talk any more, because an artist must communicate with his public only by his work”.
Please listen to this masterpiece!
2 commenti:
Chissà perché la citazione dall'ultima intervista mi ha fatto balenare in mente un nome: Celentano...
Un personaggio molto diverso da Battisti, molto meno musicista, più show man. Magari fra una pausa e l'altra, nei suoi monologhi, pensa proprio a quanto disse Battisti !
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